Lunch & Launch Career Clinic: Teaching Philosophy (12.11.17)

Lunch & Launch Career Clinic: Teaching Philosophy (12.11.17)

By HMS/HSDM Office for Postdoctoral Fellows

Date and time

Monday, December 11, 2017 · 12 - 1:30pm EST


Folin Wu Room, Building C

240 Longwood Ave. Boston, MA 02115


Facilitator: James Gould, PhD, Director, HMS/HSDM Office for Postdoctoral Fellows

Workshop Description: Writing the teaching statement can be one of the most esoteric exercises in putting together the academic job package. While less philosophical and more practical, the challenge is to communicate a tangible evidence-based teaching approach in just a single page. This interactive workshop will use peer review and critique to hone your teaching statement for submission.
Please email a copy of your teaching statement by 4:00pm on Friday, December 8

Series Description: Going on the job market is much more than just submitting an application and watching the offers come rolling in. It’s about finding a good fit and concisely conveying your career trajectory. This interactive monthly series will help participants prepare their minds and materials for the job search process through peer review and guided exercises.

The 2017 Lunch & Launch Career Clinics will be held the 2nd Monday of the month. Please feel free to bring your lunch, beverages will be provided.

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